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Together, stay connected


This lockdown period leads us to change the people’s  way of interacting. We are  looking the present as a potential than a problem, we are investing our time thinking about the future.

We take advantage of this moment to find ourselves thanks to Videoconference.

These appointments will allow us to:


• Introduce our highlights and innovative products in ordeer to "increase" your sales

• Share documents, powerpoint, videos…

• Exchange our experiences, our commercial strategies

• Support your studies, your projects,

• Share our commercial proposals.


We organize 3 webinars (60 minute each). These seminars will be held in the virtual Office 365 room: https://products.office.com/it-it/microsoft-teams/group-chat-software/


 17/20/21/22 April at 14:00

"Do you know OFFCAR? Connect and find out!"


 24/27/28/29 April at 14.00

"How to design and build a complete kitchen, from design to the installation"

SPECIFI program introduction with  3D library and  practical examples.


1/4/5/6 May at 14:00

"Imagine something different"

 How special and innovative products can transform your offer into customer service.


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35011 Campodarsego (PD) Italy
Tel.+39 049 9203511
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