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YIM (Young Innovative Mentality): l’innovazione firmata Offcar


What is Fabbrica Intelligente?

Fabbrica Intelligente is known as a defender of the sustainable economic growth of the territories of the whole national economic system. Fabbrica Intelligente supports the national manufacturing systems’ innovation and specialization. Recently, Fabbrica Intelligente has published an analysis on successful companies and innovative projects that have distinguished themselves during the last period. This report quoted Offcar as one of these innovative companies and we are very proud of that.

YIM (Young Innovative Mentality): when evolution is the expression of a young mentality

The mention inside the Fabbrica Intelligente’s analysis is the result of the long route we have taken since last year. It is about a route that involves both a new approach and the introduction of new technologies. This process encouraged us to leave the comfort zone of our everyday routine and to choose new systems in order to improve our production, and not only.

Some of the YIM’s purposes are:

  • To automate to save space and time
  • To automate to simplify and be more efficient
  • To automate to be environmental-friendly
  • To automate to solve practical problems
  • To automate creatively to grow the sector 

The power of change led by a wise management

When we talk about changes, the management has a primary responsibility in leading team and pursuing the success. For this reason, to have clear goals and tenacity are essential features for companies that want to continue to dominate the actual market. Guided by Filippo Carraro, the new Offcar’s generation and the R&D responsible, we promoted a digitalization way of the productive processes in fully YIM spirit. At the beginning, the team was hesitant about the suggested innovations but, thanks to the management’s cogency, the renewal process has been starting immediately with success.

Offcar’s innovative transformation’s details

One of them is a new press-bending system connected and integrated to our ERP and it can be controlled by remote too. In this way, today we can have a more controlled and effective management of the whole production process.

Offcar’s innovative transformation’s advantages

Thanks to the use of a more advanced and technological mentality, we managed to:

  • Reduce production times
  • Reduce the warehouse of the semi-finished products
  • Reduce waste products in a green perspective
  • Simplify and improve internal processes

Webinar and education

Among Offcar’s innovations, there is a new and unconventional communication method to use with our customers and partners: the “Online Webinar”. Thanks to the use of dedicated platforms, we were able to manage 15 different online meeting in 5 different languages where we updated our public about the news of our products and market. This new method of communication let us to maintain a direct line with the users, and the possibility to interact immediately and efficiently with them.


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