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NEWS / Novità

24 | 02 | 2020

Expositions 9352

London's calling

HRC (HOTELYMPIA), which is taken place at the Excel Exhibition Centre in London from 3th to 5th March 2020, is the most important event for the...

07 | 02 | 2020

Expositions 9265

Cucco Restaurant welcomes Offcar inside its kitchen!

Since some years, we have been working on a great project in Turin, Italy. We are going to show you the kitchen we made for Cucco Restaurant, an...

17 | 01 | 2020

Expositions 7907

The Pokè Bowl plate is already on our tables, how to prepare it?

The “Pokè Bowl” plate is already on our tables, how to prepare it? With the ethnic cooking suite Dragone by Offcar it will be a piece of cake!

28 | 10 | 2019

Expositions 9882

Offcar - Host 2019

The 41st edition of HOST Milan 2019, the world's leading reference exhibition for the future trends in the world of catering and professional...

07 | 01 | 2019

Expositions 8505

Sirha Fair 2019

Offcar is pleased to invite you at the world hospitality and food service event SIRHA 2019

05 | 03 | 2018

Expositions 10332

Great success for Offcar at Intergastra Fair

One of the most important exhibition for hotel and gastronomy industry in Europe - Intergastra exhibition in Stuttgart, with its 29th edition - is...

26 | 02 | 2018

Expositions 9623

Food and Hotel Asia 2018

From April 24th to 27th 2018, Offcar will be in Singapore to attend Food and Hospitality Asia, the biggest fair dedicated to the hospitality of the...

15 | 01 | 2018

Expositions 11708

Intergastra Fair 2018

From 3 to 7 February 2018, Offcar will be present at the 29th edition of the Intergastra Fair in Stuttgart, one of the most important for the...

06 | 11 | 2017

Expositions 13025

Host 2017, a great success!

Great success for Offcar at the 2017 Host Fair, the most important Ho.Re.Ca. event.

13 | 10 | 2017

Expositions 14243

Host Exhibition 2017

It is time for you to meet us again at the Host Milano 2017 exhibition.

22 | 08 | 2017

Expositions 13424

Abastur Fair 2017

This year we will be present at the Fair Abastur 2017, guests of our partner Lavati.

20 | 02 | 2017

Expositions 13772

Internorga Exhibition

Internorga Exhibition is is the top event for the Ho.Re.Ca market

20 | 02 | 2017

Expositions 12687


From February 15 to 18 we were in Spalato for the Adriatic Gastro Show.

07 | 09 | 2016

Expositions 15456


FHA 2016, Singapore 

01 | 09 | 2016

Expositions 16454

HOST 2015

(function($){ $(function(){ if(typeof $.prettyPhoto !='undefined'){ console.log(1) $(".yee-wgt-single-image[prettyPhoto-theme]...

03 | 11 | 2014

Expositions 20609


MUSCAT Oman 2014

18 | 11 | 2013

Expositions 15305

HOST 2013

HOST 2013 Milano

23 | 11 | 2009

Expositions 16903

HOST 2009

HOST 2009 Milano

16 | 03 | 2009

Expositions 18784


Spalato 2009

19 | 11 | 2007

Expositions 20675

HOST 2007

HOST 2007 Milano

21 | 11 | 2005

Expositions 18343

HOST 2005

HOST 2005 Milano

02 | 02 | 2002

Expositions 16601

SIGEP 2004

SIGEP Rimini 2004

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