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NEWS / Il Mondo Offcar

20 | 04 | 2018

Producto 10981

Noodle Cooker by Offcar

High-performance noodle cooker and automatic baskets lifter with timer.

27 | 03 | 2018

Producto 14705

SUPERFRY 2.0 won the Bronze Award in the Light Equipment Category at the SINGAPORE SCI EQUIPMENTS AWARDS!

OFFCAR are proud and happy to announce that our SUPERFRY 2.0 won the Bronze Award in the Light Equipment Category at the SINGAPORE SCI EQUIPMENTS...

19 | 03 | 2018

Producto 12240

Kopa the perfect match between an oven and a bbq

Kopa è la combinazione perfetta tra un forno e un barbecue. La combustione controllata del carbone nel forno previene la fuoriuscita di fiamme, e di...

29 | 06 | 2017

Producto 12188

Professional Fryers: guide to the right choise for every type of kitchen

Frying is one of the most appreciated ways of cooking by customers. Therefore, every restaurateur knows the importance of having an effective...

13 | 06 | 2017

Producto 13266

Offcar at Host Fair 2017

From 20th to 24th October 2017, we will be present at the 40th edition of Host Fair in Milan.

26 | 05 | 2017

Producto 14756

Rediscover barbecue: the charcoal ovens Kopa for Offcar

Thanks to the combination of barbecue and oven, Kopa for Offcar is able to reach a really high temperature giving food a special touch, smoking and...

09 | 05 | 2017

Producto 12090

Offcar Frytop 1200 mm: the range of cooking hotplates expands

The cooking hotplate made of special smooth steel of great thickness (20 mm)

10 | 04 | 2017

Producto 13432

Hotplate selection guide

The cooking plate exploits the direct contact and is suitable for limited thickness foods with relatively short cooking time such as meats, fish and...

20 | 03 | 2017

Producto 16243

New Pasta Corner is here

Design and functionality find their maximum expression in the new concept by Offcar "Pasta Corner"

13 | 03 | 2017

Producto 18280

To cook and reheat everything in one hotplate: Teppanyaki

Teppanyaki is used especially with meat, fish and vegetable sliced in thin thickness with short cooking times

18 | 05 | 2015

Producto 22867


Diseñada para la cocción oriental

18 | 05 | 2015

Producto 22510


La evolución de la cocción de gas

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